Red de Asesoría Científica y Educativa - REACE

Mentoría, Empoderamiento, Igualdad

Un poco de Neurociencia

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Yacila I. Deza-Araujo

Lectura De 1 Minuto


Como neurocientífica, tengo especial interés en apoyar la educación en ciencias del cerebro. Acá les ofrezco las últimas oportunidades académicas en neurociencias.

Sólo en inglés

Postdoctoral researcher in ultra-high field MRI. As a full-time MR physicist, you will join a dedicated research team that will be developing new acquisition/reconstruction/processing methodologies for the 7T MRI. Topics of interest may include coil design and optimization, sequence development, ultrahigh-resolution imaging (e.g., laminar fMRI), brain and spinal-cord imaging, advanced applications in cognitive and clinical neurosciences. Please send your CV, two references and a motivation letter to

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Di Algo


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